Monday, March 30, 2009

Early morning fishing trip

As a kid I used to go on a fly fishing trip with my dad once or twice a year. This time I was going with my 5 cousins. I carefully packed all my fishing gears. The packing is something that I simply love doing. I didn’t forget to pack some yummy breakfast too in the morning. We left at around 4.30 am.

Wow!!! It was pleasantly cold and I could see the fog around. As we were moving towards our destination (the closest lake) each one of us were sharing some of our interesting fishing experiences and stories with each other. We finally reached the lake. The view at that time of the morning was simply breathtaking.

Seeing the small fishes jumping around, I just wanted to cast because it was quite a gap since I last went fishing. We chose our places and waited to see who catches the first fish. My cousin bro was the first to catch one and I was the second. But my fish was much bigger than his. He caught 5 fishes in 2 hours and won the competition of maximum number of fishes.

We spent hours contentedly fishing and at the same time enjoying the beauty of the sun rise. Believe me, it was so refreshing and relaxing from the stressful life.

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