Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My First Fishing Experience

The first time I went fishing was with a group of my college friends. I knew nothing of fishing, then. We were six of us and only one was familiar with fishing. The purpose of me going was purely for fun and chilling out.

All ready and excited, we drove to the nearest beach. On our drive, our friend briefed us about the basics of fishing, the fishing rod, the net, the line and the bait. You can either use earthworms, other small fish, shrimps, simple bread or dough as bait. He also mentioned that it was best to go fishing during a high tide.
We reached our destination and took turns for fishing as we had only one fishing rod (poor us). We used shrimps as bait. For me just holding the rod felt great. When I first held the rod it was like wow!!!

We waited for long but nothing was happening. We were sharing jokes, munching on chips and having fun when suddenly I felt some weight. It was so sudden that I went blank. In haste I tried using force and the line broke. That was really disheartening.

My first fishing experience (though I caught no fish) definitely lit an interest for fishing in me.

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